Blue Hawaii 5.0 – True Blue
Soft puffs of flowers on compact plants. Good for borders, edgings, pots and pattern plantings.

Clear Crystal Purple Shades – Purple
Dwarf spreading everblooming plants. Use at garden's edge or in containers.

Clear Crystal White – White
Dwarf spreading everblooming plants. Use at garden's edge or in containers.

Deep Rose – Rose
Dwarf spreading everblooming plants. Use at garden's edge or in containers.

Easter Bonnet Mix – Pastel Shades
Dwarf spreading everblooming plants. Use at garden's edge or in containers.

Peach – Peach
Dwarf spreading everblooming plants. Use at garden's edge or in containers.

Violet – Violet
Dwarf spreading everblooming plants. Use at garden's edge or in containers.

White – White
Dwarf spreading everblooming plants. Use at garden's edge or in containers.

Matsumoto Mix – Mixed
Bold, bright, large, double flowers on tall plants. Use for beds, cutting and accent.

Pot ‘N Patio Mix – Mixed
Dwarf variety with double blooms in shades of white, pink and purple. Performs best in containers.

Blutopia Blue – Blue
Hundreds of miniature flowers cover the plant all summer. For baskets and beds.

Snowtopia White – White
Hundreds of miniature flowers cover the plant all summer. For baskets and beds.

Costa Mix – Yellows & Oranges
Early, double flowers. Edible flowers. Use in beds and for cutting. Generally self sows. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Fresh Look Mix – Yellow, Orange & Red
Feathery plumes top basal branched plants. New leaves cover old plumes so plants keep their “fresh look” all season. Excellent garden performance. Blooms Late Spring to Fall.

Snowland – White
Daisy like flowers on dwarf plants. Use in borders, beds and containers. Deer Resistant & Low Maintenance. Blooms Late Spring through Late Summer.

Sparkler Mix – Mixed
Heat and sun-tolerant plants grow bushy and upright. Shorter than other cleome, the very free-flowering series is ideal for small gardens or used as an annual hedge. Blooms Early Summer to Early Fall.

Black Dragon – Red with dark edges
Colorful & Attractive foliage that is deep red in color with a purplish-black edge. Heat & Shade Tolerant. Does great in beds, borders and containers. Use in shade or indoors.

Chocolate Covered Cherry – Leaf covered
Colorful & Attractive foliage with a rose center that is surrounded by deep mahogany and a thin green edge. Shade Tolerant. Does great in beds, borders and containers. Use in shade or indoors.

Lime Delight – Lime green foliage
Colorful & Attractive foliage that is a Bright lime green in color. Long lasting color and well-branched. Heat & Shade Tolerant. Low maintenance. Does great in beds, borders and containers. Use in shade or indoors.

Mighty Mosaic – Dark red, green, yellow splashes
Colorful & Attractive multi-colored foliage with an unusual leaf pattern; which makes it pop in landscapes and containers. Heat & Shade Tolerant. Use in shade or indoors.

Rainbow Mix – Mixed colors
Colorful & Attractive foliage that is bright & vivid with various colors. Shade Tolerant. Does great in beds, borders and containers. Use in shade or indoors.

Sensation Mix – Mixed
Large, single flowers with yellow centers. Use for backgrounds, beds and cutting. Blooms all Summer.

Sonata Carmine – Magenta
Magenta daisy-like blooms with a yellow-eye and has tall stems with feathery, ferny leaves. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Good cut flower. Use in mass plantings or as filler between shrubs. Blooms Spring through Summer.

Sonata Mix – Mixed
Pink, white, & magenta daisy-like blooms with yellow-eye and has tall stems with feathery, ferny leaves. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Good cut flower. Use in mass plantings or as filler between shrubs. Blooms Spring through Summer.

Sonata Pink – Pink
Pink daisy-like blooms with a yellow-eye and has tall stems with feathery, ferny leaves. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Good cut flower. Use in mass plantings or as filler between shrubs. Blooms Spring through Summer.

Sonata White – White
White daisy-like blooms with a yellow-eye and has tall stems with feathery, ferny leaves. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Good cut flower. Use in mass plantings or as filler between shrubs. Blooms Spring through Summer.

Fresco Mix – Mixed
Very uniform for height, habit and flowering time, the bright mix blooms in red, violet, yellow, white and rose. Nice for beds, borders, pots and planter boxes. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer.

Silver Dust – Yellow
Silver white lacy foliage is good for contrasting. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Super Low Maintenance & extremely versatile. Good for gardens, landscapes, & containers. Use in containers and beds. Blooms Late Spring to Fall.

Kiss Flame Mix – Mixed
Vibrant, daisy-like flowers that close at night. Compact plants. Ideal for mass plantings. Blooms Late Spring & Summer.

New Day Mix – Mixed
Vibrant, daisy-like flowers that close at night. Compact plants. Ideal for mass plantings. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Low Maintenance. Blooms Late Spring & Summer.

Imara XDR Mix – Colorful Mix
Mixture of very colorful flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Orange – Orange
Orange flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Orange Star – Orange w/ white star
Orange w/ white star flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Pink – Pink
Pink flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Purple – Purple
Purple flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Red – Red
Red flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Red Star – Red w/ white star
Red w/ white star flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Rose – Rose
Rose colored flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Rosy Mix – Colorful Mix
Colorful mix of flowers: lilac, pink, purple, rose, and white. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Salmon Shades – Salmon
Mid-bright salmon shades flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR Tango Mix – Colorful Mix
Colorful mix of flowers: orange, purple, rose, and salmon. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Imara XDR White – White
White flowers. Outstanding garden performance in sun, shade, rain, or shine. Robust & durable. Highly resistant to Downy Mildew. Blooms in May-September.

Florida Blue – Blue
Colorful & Attractive Deep Blue flowers with a lovely bell shaped. Use in containers and flower beds. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer.
LOBELIA - Trailing

Trailing Lilac – Lilac
Delicate flowers on cascading plants. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Use in hanging baskets and planters. Blooms in Spring.

Trailing Midnight Blue – Dark Blue
Delicate flowers on cascading plants. Bronze foliage. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Use in hanging baskets and planters. Blooms in Spring.

Trailing Mix – Mixed
Delicate flowers on cascading plants. Beautiful mixture of colors. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Use in hanging baskets and planters. Blooms in Spring.

Trailing Rose – Rose
Delicate flowers on cascading plants. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Use in hanging baskets and planters. Blooms in Spring.

Trailing Sapphire – Blue with White Eye
Delicate flowers on cascading plants. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Use in hanging baskets and planters. Blooms in Spring.

Trailing Sky Blue – Sky Blue
Delicate flowers on cascading plants. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Use in hanging baskets and planters. Blooms in Spring.

Trailing White – White
Delicate flowers on cascading plants. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Use in hanging baskets and planters. Blooms in Spring.
LOBELIA - Upright

Blue Eyes – Blue with White Eye
Blue flowers with white eye. Ball-shaped plants stay compact and mounded, making them perfect for beds, borders, containers, & color bowls. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms in Spring.

Crystal Palace – Dark Blue
Dark blue flowers and bronze foliage. Compact habit makes for a great splash of color in flower beds and mixed combinations. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms in Spring.

Rose – Rose
Rose colored flowers with a tiny white eye. Ball-shaped plants stay compact and mounded, making them perfect for beds, borders, containers, & color bowls. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms in Spring.

Sky Blue – Sky Blue
Sky Blue colored flowers with a tiny white eye. Ball-shaped plants stay compact and mounded, making them perfect for beds, borders, containers, & color bowls. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms in Spring.

White – White
White flowers. Ball-shaped plants stay compact and mounded, making them perfect for beds, borders, containers, & color bowls. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms in Spring.
MARIGOLD - African

Inca II Gold – Gold
Compact plant with large 4-5" flowers on strong stems. Colorful & Attractive foliage. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Use Inca to add height to beds and containers. Blooms Spring & Summer.

Inca II Mix – Mixed
Compact plant with large 4-5" flowers on strong stems. Colorful & Attractive foliage. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Use Inca to add height to beds and containers. Blooms Spring & Summer.

Inca II Orange – Orange
Compact plant with large 4-5" flowers on strong stems. Colorful & Attractive foliage. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Use Inca to add height to beds and containers. Blooms Spring & Summer.

Inca II Yellow – Yellow
Compact plant with large 4-5" flowers on strong stems. Colorful & Attractive foliage. Heat Tolerant & Low Maintenance. Use Inca to add height to beds and containers. Blooms Spring & Summer.

Bonanza Flame – Mahogany Edged in Orange
Double crested blooms are 2-3" across. Fragrant flowers with a scented foliage. Attracts Bees, Heat Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds and borders. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Bonanza Gold – Gold
Double crested blooms are 2-3" across. Fragrant flowers with a scented foliage. Attracts Bees, Heat Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds and borders. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Bonanza Mix – Mixed
Mixture of beautiful colors. Double crested blooms are 2-3" across. Fragrant flowers with a scented foliage. Attracts Bees, Heat Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds and borders. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Bonanza Orange – Orange
Double crested blooms are 2-3" across. Fragrant flowers with a scented foliage. Attracts Bees, Heat Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds and borders. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Bonanza Yellow – Yellow
Double crested blooms are 2-3" across. Fragrant flowers with a scented foliage. Attracts Bees, Heat Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds and borders. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Disco Marietta – Yellow with red blotches
Blooms are a showy single disc in yellow. It's fragrant ferny leaves are dark green in color. Heat Tolerant. Excellent in beds, borders, & containers. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Disco Red – Red w/ Yellow center
Blooms are a showy single disc in yellow. It's fragrant ferny leaves are dark green in color. Heat Tolerant. Excellent in beds, borders, & containers. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Disco Yellow – Single Yellow
Blooms are a showy single disc in yellow. It's fragrant ferny leaves are dark green in color. Heat Tolerant. Excellent in beds, borders, & containers. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Durango Bolero – Red/Gold bicolor
Durango series is a Dwarf Anemone French Marigold. It has extra large blooms that really enhances this marigold and it has great uniformity & is well-branched. Attracts Bees, Fragrant Flowers, Scented Foliage, Heat & Frost Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds, borders and pots. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Durango Mix – Mixed
Durango series is a Dwarf Anemone French Marigold. It has extra large blooms that really enhances this marigold and it has great uniformity & is well-branched. Attracts Bees, Fragrant Flowers, Scented Foliage, Heat & Frost Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds, borders and pots. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Durango Red – Red
Durango series is a Dwarf Anemone French Marigold. It has extra large blooms that really enhances this marigold and it has great uniformity & is well-branched. Attracts Bees, Fragrant Flowers, Scented Foliage, Heat & Frost Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds, borders and pots. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Durango Tangerine – Orange
Durango series is a Dwarf Anemone French Marigold. It has extra large blooms that really enhances this marigold and it has great uniformity & is well-branched. Attracts Bees, Fragrant Flowers, Scented Foliage, Heat & Frost Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds, borders and pots. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Durango Yellow – Yellow
Durango series is a Dwarf Anemone French Marigold. It has extra large blooms that really enhances this marigold and it has great uniformity & is well-branched. Attracts Bees, Fragrant Flowers, Scented Foliage, Heat & Frost Tolerant, & Low Maintenance. Use in beds, borders and pots. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Alaska Mix – Mixed
White marbled on green foliage with bright colors of red, orange, gold, salmon, yellow, mahogany, & red. Edible flowers are a peppery flavor. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Use in borders, beds, and vegetable gardens. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Empress Of India – Red
Dark blue-green foliage with bright scarlet red blooms. Edible flowers are a peppery flavor. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Use in borders, beds, and vegetable gardens. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Jewel Mix – Mixed
Green foliage with bright shades of red, orange, cream, yellow, & red. Edible flowers are a peppery flavor. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Use in borders, beds, and vegetable gardens. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Seventh Heaven Mix – Mixed
Beautiful dense, Sweet fragrant, and well-branched foliage with a mixture of pinks, blues, purples, & white flowers. Great in containers and beds. Blooms Spring to Late Summer.

Chilly Chili – Greenish-yellow, orange, & red
Colorful peppers from greenish-yellow to orange, and mature to dark red with green foliage. Plant produces “non-pungent” fruit. Heat Tolerant and Low Maintenance. Blooms Summer to Late Summer.

Hot Pops Yellow – Yellow, Orange, Red
Colorful, little, round fruits bloom in multiple colors: Yellow, Orange, & Red. Heat Tolerant. Fruit is edible, but not palatable. Blooms summer through fall.

Sangria – Purples & Reds
Sangria produces peppers that displays purple & red fruit with green foliage. Plant produces “non-pungent” fruit. Colorful & Attractive foliage. Drought & Heat Tolerant, and Low Maintenance. Blooms Summer to Late Summer.

Akila Mix – White, Lavender & Purple
Garden or patio plant. Striking, 2-3" daisy-like flowers on long flower stems. Attracts Bees, Butterfllies, & Hummingbirds. Low Maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Early Spring through Summer.

Black – Black
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Blue Blotch – Blue w/ dark blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Cool Wave Mix – Mixed colors
This exciting, new, trailing pansy flowers all winter long with colorful, fragrant blooms. Great in baskets.

Delta Mix – Mixed
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Fire – Red, yellow, mahogany
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Frizzle Sizzle Mix – Mixed, ruffled
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Halloween Mix – Black & orange
Mix of black pansies and orange pansies. Great for Halloween.

Lavender Blue Shades – Lavender blue shades
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Midnight Glow – Purple blue/yellow halo
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Pink Shades – Pink shades
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Pure Color Mix – Mixed. No faces.
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Pure Orange – Orange, no blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Pure White – Pure white, no blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Pure Yellow – Rich yellow, no blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Red Blotch – Red w/ dark blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

True Blue – Deep sky blue, no blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Violet And White – Violet and White
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

White Blotch – White w/ dark blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Yellow Blotch – Yellow w/ dark blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.
PETUNIA - Double

Double Cascade Blue – Deep Blue
Lovely showy flowers are fragrant and very double. Ideal for baskets, planters and pots.

Double Cascade Burgundy – Burgundy
Lovely showy flowers are fragrant and very double. Ideal for baskets, planters and pots.

Double Cascade Pink – Pink
Lovely showy flowers are fragrant and very double. Ideal for baskets, planters and pots.

Double Mix – Mixed
Lovely showy flowers are fragrant and very double. Ideal for baskets, planters and pots.

Purple Pirouette – Purple/White Bicolor
AAS. Lovely showy flowers are fragrant and very double. Ideal for baskets, planters and pots.
PETUNIA - Madness

Madness Red Picotee – Red with white rim
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Madness Royal Purple – Deep Purple
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Madness Summer – Salmon with darker veins
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Magenta Madness – Magenta
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Midnight Madness – Deep Blue
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Pink Madness – Deep Pink
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Plum Madness – Plum with Darker Veins
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Red Madness – Red
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Rose Morn Madness – Hot Rose with Light Center
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

White Madness – White
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Yellow Madness – Light Yellow
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.

Dreams Mix – Mixed
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Patriot Mix – Red, White & Blue
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Star Mix – Star Patterned Mix
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Total Madness Mix – Mixed
Abundance of 2" flowers on neat plants. Ideal for beds and mass plantings.
PETUNIA - Novelty

Appleblossom – Delicate pink
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Black Cherry – Black with burgundy tones
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Blue Morn – Blue with silver white throat
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Crimson Star – Crimson red with white star
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Prism Sunshine – Yellow
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Purple Star – Purple with a white star
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

Sky Blue – Sky blue
Free flowering plants with large 3-4" flowers. Ideal for planting in beds.

California – Mixed
Cheerful single blooms often naturalize by self-seeding. Use for accent, cutting and borders.

Happy Hour Banana – Yellow
Vivid, semi-double flowers. Attracts Bees & Butterflies, Drought & Heat Tolerant, and Low Maintenance. Use for ground cover, rock gardens and baskets. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Happy Hour Deep Red – Deep red
Vivid, semi-double flowers. Attracts Bees & Butterflies, Drought & Heat Tolerant, and Low Maintenance. Use for ground cover, rock gardens, and baskets. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Happy Hour Fuchsia – Fuchsia
Vivid, semi-double flowers. Attracts Bees & Butterflies, Drought & Heat Tolerant, and Low Maintenance. Use for ground cover, rock gardens and baskets. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Happy Hour Mix – Mixed
Vivid, semi-double flowers. Attracts Bees & Butterflies, Drought & Heat Tolerant, and Low Maintenance. Use for ground cover, rock gardens and baskets. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Happy Hour Orange – Orange
Vivid, semi-double flowers. Attracts Bees & Butterflies, Drought & Heat Tolerant, and Low Maintenance. Use for ground cover, rock gardens and baskets. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Happy Hour Rosita – Pink
Vivid, semi-double flowers. Attracts Bees & Butterflies, Drought & Heat Tolerant, and Low Maintenance. Use for ground cover, rock gardens and baskets. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Danessa Mix – Mixed
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Daniella Apricot – Apricot
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Daniella Blue – Blue
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Daniella Mix – Mixed
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Daniella Rose Bicolor – Rose bicolor
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Daniella Scarlet – Scarlet
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Daniella White – White
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Daniella Yellow – Yellow
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Appleblossom – White/pink tint
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Bicolor Mix – Blooms bicolor
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Blue – Blue
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Cherry w/ Edge – Cherry red/white edge
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Lemon Yellow – Lemon yellow
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Pink – Pink
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Purple – Purple
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Rose Lavender – Rose lavender
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Salmon Orange – Salmon Orange
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Velvet Red – Deep red
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova White – Blooms danova
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Danova Yellow w/ Eye – Blooms w
Colorful blooms for late winter and early spring. Needs cool temperatures to initiate flower buds.

Primlet Semi-Double Mix – Mixed
Colorful Semi-double blooms for late winter and early spring.

Royale Mix – Mixed
Solid and bi-color blooms with distinct throat markings. Good in borders and containers. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.
SALVIA - coccinea

Summer Jewel Lavender – Lavender
AAS. Beautiful Lavender trumpet-shaped blooms on tall spikes. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Use in beds, borders, containers, and for cutting. Blooms Late Spring to Early Fall.

Summer Jewel Pink – Pink
AAS. Small pink trumpet-shaped blooms on tall spikes. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Use in beds, borders, containers, and for cutting. Blooms Late Spring to Early Fall.

Summer Jewel Red – Red
AAS. Bright Red trumpet-shaped blooms on tall spikes. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Use in beds, borders, containers, and for cutting. Blooms Late Spring to Early Fall.

Summer Jewel White – White
AAS. Bright & clean White trumpet-shaped blooms on tall spikes. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Use in beds, borders, containers, and for cutting. Blooms Late Spring to Early Fall.
SALVIA - farinacea

Victoria – Royal Blue
Lovely royal blue flowers on tall spikes. Attracts Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Use in beds, borders and flower arrangements. Blooms Late Spring to Fall.
SALVIA - splendens

Flare – Scarlet
Brilliantly scarlet colored flower spikes brighten gardens and containers. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer.

Red Hot Sally – Bright red
Beautiful red flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Great as cut flowers, and in containers and landscapes. Blooms Late Spring though Late Summer.

Vista Mix – Mixed
Brilliantly colored flower spikes brighten gardens and containers. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Heat Tolerant. Blooms Late Spring though Late Summer.

Vista Purple – Purple
Brilliantly purple colored flower spikes brighten gardens and containers. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Heat Tolerant. Blooms Late Spring though Late Summer.

Million Suns – Golden Yellow
Bright, compact spreading plants with small golden yellow flowers. Use for ground cover and in baskets and pots. Blooms Summer to Fall.

Madame Butterfly Mix – Mixed
Ruffled and fragrant flower spikes. Excellent use in beds and makes a great cut flower. Blooms Late Spring to Fall.

Rocket Cherry – Cherry Red
Tall Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Frost Tolerant. Excellent cut flowers. Use in backgrounds and beds. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Rocket Lemon – Lemon Yellow
Tall Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Frost Tolerant. Excellent cut flowers. Use in backgrounds and beds. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Rocket Mix – Mixed
Tall Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Frost Tolerant. Excellent cut flowers. Use in backgrounds and beds. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Rocket Pink – Pink
Tall Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Frost Tolerant. Excellent cut flowers. Use in backgrounds and beds. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Rocket Red – Deep Red
Tall Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Frost Tolerant. Excellent cut flowers. Use in backgrounds and beds. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Rocket Rose Shades – Rose Shades
Tall Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Frost Tolerant. Excellent cut flowers. Use in backgrounds and beds. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Rocket White – White
Tall Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees, Hummingbirds, and Frost Tolerant. Excellent cut flowers. Use in backgrounds and beds. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Snapshot Burgundy Bicolor – Burgundy Bicolor
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Fall.

Snapshot Mix – Bright Colorful Mix
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Early Spring to Fall.

Snapshot Pink – Pink
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Fall.

Snapshot Purple – Purple
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Fall.

Snapshot Red Bicolor – Red to Yellow blush bicolor
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Fall.

Snapshot Rose – Rose
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Fall.

Snapshot Sunset – Bright yellow to red blush bicolor
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Fall.

Snapshot Yellow – Yellow
Dwarf Garden Snapdragon. Bushy & low-growing. Fragrant flower spikes. Attracts Bees & Hummingbirds. Low maintenance & Frost Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Fall.

Snaptastic Mix – Mixed
Well branched, heat tolerant series. Use in edgings, rock gardens, flower beds, pots and for cutting. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Hot Cakes Hot Rose – Hot rose
Very fragrant, single or double flowers on spikes. Use in beds, pots and for cutting.

Hot Cakes Mix – Mixed
Very fragrant, single or double flowers on spikes. Use in beds, pots and for cutting.

Hot Cakes Pink – Pink
Very fragrant, single or double flowers on spikes. Use in beds, pots and for cutting.

Hot Cakes Purple – Purple
Very fragrant, single or double flowers on spikes. Use in beds, pots and for cutting.

Hot Cakes White – White
Very fragrant, single or double flowers on spikes. Use in beds, pots and for cutting.

Miss Sunshine – Yellow
Abundant 4-5" blooms cover this sturdy dwarf sunflower. Pollen free. Lateral branching habit.

Sunsation Flame – Orange centers with flaming yellow tips
Very compact. Large, pollen-free flowers with black centers. Petals radiate from orange to yellow tips.

Sunshine Max – Deep Orange

Suntastic Yellow – Yellow
Naturally compact. Very floriferous with 3 waves of up to 20, dark centered, 6" flowers per plant.

Incense Mix – Mixed
Extremely fragrant flowers on climbing, tendrilled, long-stemmed plants. Well suited for cutting.

Mammoth Choice – Mixed
Early flowering blooms on long stems on dwarf plants. Use on trellises, fences and netting.
VERBENA - Obsession

Obsession Apricot – Apricot
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Obsession Blue W/ Eye – Blue w/ Eye
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Obsession Burgundy W/ Eye – Burgundy w/ Eye
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Obsession Mix – Mixed
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Obsession Pink – Pink
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Obsession Red – Red
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Obsession Twister Purple – Purple and white
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Obsession Twister Red – Red and white
Numerous blooms on spreading plants provide season-long color for gardens and containers.

Cora Mix – Mixed
Lush, glossy green foliage is covered with showy 2" blooms. Heat loving. Uniform.

Tattoo Black Cherry – Violet w/ star
Standout blooms with stunning strokes of color. Outstanding in hot and sunny conditions.

Tattoo Papaya – Salmon w/ eye
Standout blooms with stunning strokes of color. Outstanding in hot and sunny conditions.

Tattoo Raspberry – Pink w/ eye
Standout blooms with stunning strokes of color. Outstanding in hot and sunny conditions.

Tattoo Tangerine – Orange w/ eye
Standout blooms with stunning strokes of color. Outstanding in hot and sunny conditions.

Penny Beaconsfield – Light & Dark Blue
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Penny Deep Blue – Clear deep blue
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Penny Lane Mix – Mixed
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Penny Orange – Orange
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Penny Red With Blotch – Red with blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Penny Violet Face – Violet w/ face
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Penny White With Blotch – White with blotch
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.

Penny Yellow – Rich Yellow
Sweet flowers that are invaluable for winter and spring blooms. Use in containers and for mass color.
ZINNIA - elegans

Benary Giants – Mixed
Abundant large 4-5" blooms highlight the garden. ASCFG 2000 Fresh Cutflower of the Year.

Cut And Come Again – Mixed
Great for cutting. Bright mix of double to semi-double flowers.

Magellan Mix – Mixed
Extra large, 4", double flowers on dwarf bushy plants. Use in pots, low beds and borders.

Short Stuff Mix – Mixed
Fully double, 2-3" blooms on compact plants. Great for pots, bedding and borders.

State Fair Mix – Mixed
Giant dahlia-type flowers on large plants. Use for backgrounds and cutting.

Zinnita Mix – Mixed
Small double flowers grow on dwarf plants. Use in borders.
ZINNIA - hybrida

Profusion Apricot – Apricot
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Cherry – Cherry Red
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Dbl Deep Salmon – Deep Salmon
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Dbl Golden Yellow – Golden Yellow
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Dbl Hot Cherry – Bright cherry rose
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Double Fire – Fiery orange
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Double Mix – Mixed
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Fire – Scarlet Orange
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Mix – Mixed
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Orange – Orange
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion White – White
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.

Profusion Yellow – Yellow
Profuse blooms cover the plants all summer. Excellent disease tolerance. Use in pots, beds and edgings.