New Vintage Terracotta – Terracotta-Orange to Champagne Yellow
Holds its shape and re-flowers very well. Masses of bold, terracotta-orange flowers on lacy foliage age to a complementary champagne-yellow color. Attracts Bees. Deer Resistant. Blooms from Late Spring to Autumn.

New Vintage White – White
Holds its shape and re-flowers very well. The bold color matures to an attractive lighter shade. Attracts Bees. Deer Resistant. Blooms from Late Spring to Autumn.
ALCEA - Hollyhock

Happy Lights – Mixed
Happy Lights is a tall perennial with a mixture of yellow, copper, pink, red and whites. Attracts Honey Bees. Rust Resistant. Blooms May-October.
ALSTROEMERIA - Peruvian Lily

Inticancha® Dark Purple – Dark Reddish-Purple

Inticancha® Doba – Red
Inticancha® Doba is a compact perennial with brilliant red flowers. Easy to maintain. Perfect for patio pots & containers. Great cut flower. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Inticancha® Havana – Yellow
Inticancha® Havana is a compact perennial with stunning bright yellow flowers. Easy to maintain. Perfect for patio pots & containers. Great cut flower. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Inticancha® Magic White – White w/ Maroon flecks
Inticancha® Magic White is a compact perennial with beautiful white flowers with maroon flecks. Easy to maintain. Perfect for patio pots & containers. Great cut flower. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Blooms Spring to Fall.

Summer Paradise ‘Beach Valley’ – White
Beach Valley has dark green lance shaped leaves and clusters of funnel-shaped white flowers which have dark brown speckles. Attracts Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Deer Resistant. Blooms Summer to Fall.

Summer Paradise ‘Indian Summer’ – Coppery-orange & golden-yellow
Indian Summer has coppery-orange & golden yellow blooms. Attracts Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Deer Resistant. Blooms Summer to Fall.

Summer Paradise ‘Spring Valley’ – Light Yellow
Spring Valley has light yellow petals & an orange-pink flush on the back of the petals. Attracts Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Deer Resistant.

Summer Paradise ‘Summer Break’ – Pink w/ White
Fresh pink flowers with white flecked throat are produced on long stems of light green foliage all summer long, superb as a border plant or for cut flower use. Attracts Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Deer Resistant. Blooms Summer to Fall.

Summer Paradise ‘Summer Pepper’ – Red w/ Yellow
Summer Pepper has beautiful red petals with yellow throats. Attracts Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Deer Resistant.

Summer Paradise ‘Summer Saint’ – Mauvy Pink w/ White
Summer Saint has rich mauvy-pink flowers with a white flecked throat are produced on long stems of green foliage all summer long, superb as a border plant or for cut flower use. Attracts Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Deer Resistant. Blooms Summer to Fall.
AMSONIA - Blue Star

Blue Ice – Lavender-Blue
Brilliant star-shaped flowers are a deep lavender blue color. The glossy willow-like leaves are green in the Spring & Summer, then turn to a warm golden yellow in the Fall. Compact & very floriferous. Attracts Butterflies. Low Maintenance. Deer & Clay Soil Tolerant. Blooms Late Spring to Early Summer.

Starstuck – Light Blue
Brilliant star-shaped flowers are a light blue color with green foliage and dark olive stems. Compact & very floriferous. Attracts Butterflies. Low Maintenance. Deer & Clay Soil Tolerant. Heat & Humidity Tolerant. Blooms Late Spring to Early Summer.
AQUILEGIA - Columbine

McKana – Mixed
Profuse, exceptionally large flowers are long-spurred and a favorite of hummingbirds. An ideal choice for cutting, flower or rock gardens. Bicolor blooms include cream, red, rose, yellow and white. Blooms Late Spring to Summer. Attracts Hummingbirds. Shade Tolerant.

Versa™ Blue – Blue

Versa™ Pink Shine – Pink

Versa™ White – White

Brasco™ Violet – Lavender-blue

EverLast™ Cherry Swirl – Red & White
Lovely & Fragrant Pink flowers. Everlast series flushes early in Spring and again in Fall. Blooms in Late Spring into Fall. Cold Hardy.

EverLast™ Red – Red w/ Dark Red Center
Lovely & Fragrant White w/ eye flowers. Everlast series flushes early in Spring and again in Fall. Blooms in Late Spring into Fall. Cold Hardy.

EverLast™ Violet Blue – Violet Blue
Lovely & Fragrant White w/ eye flowers. Everlast series flushes early in Spring and again in Fall. Blooms in Late Spring into Fall. Cold Hardy.
DICENTRA - Bleeding Heart

Stuart Boothman – Rosy-Pink
Compact perennial with gray-green & fern-like foliage. Beautiful dark rosy-pink heart-shaped blooms. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Blooms Spring to Fall.
ECHINACEA - Coneflower

Double Scoop™ Lemon Cream – Light Yellow
Double Scoop™ Lemon Cream is a brand-new color...Light Lemony Yellow! The Deluxe varieties are more compact with better branching & higher flower count and is very eye-catching. It, also, features clean leaves and brilliantly colored blooms, and provides more reliable first year flowering. Deer resistant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer.
ERYSIMUM - Wallflower

Bowles Me Away – Lilac
Covered in vibrant blooms in shades of lilac over gray-green foliage. Compact, bushy plants flower through the Winter in mild climates. Heat & Shade Tolerant. Blooms Early Spring to Autumn.

Brightside™ Dark Yellow – Golden Yellow to Dark Yellow
Vibrant bicolor blooms over lush leaves flower continuously through Spring. Blooms Golden Yellow and mature to Dark Yellow. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Drought & Shade Tolerant. Blooms Early Spring to Late Spring.

Brightside™ Lemon Glow – Yellow to White
Vibrant bicolor blooms over lush leaves flower continuously through Spring. Yellow blooms mature to white. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Drought & Shade Tolerant. Blooms Early Spring to Late Spring.

Brightside™ Magenta Glow – Orange to Magenta-purple
Vibrant bicolor blooms over lush leaves flower continuously through Spring. Blooms open orange and mature to magenta-purple. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Drought & Shade Tolerant. Blooms Early Spring to Late Spring.

Parma – Red with yellow center
Beautiful Red with yellow throat blooms. Foliage has narrow, sword-shaped leaves. Very fragrant with showy blooms. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Blooms Spring to Summer.
HELLEBORUS - Christmas Rose

Snowbells – Pure White
'Snowbells' is a Semi-double, pure white flowers measure 2½-3" across, with five petals and additional petaloids at the center. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring and Late Winter.
HELLEBORUS - Lenten Rose

HONEYMOON® California Dreaming – Yellow
The HONEYMOON® Series showcases Hans Hansen's single flowered that are brilliant in color, and have showy blooms. 'California Dreaming' has 3", single clear yellow, unspotted flowers. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

HONEYMOON® French Kiss – White w/ Raspberry Pink
The HONEYMOON® Series showcases Hans Hansen's single flowered that are brilliant in color, and have showy blooms. 'French Kiss' has 3-3½”, single white flowers lined with raspberry pink that veins in toward the center of the petals. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

HONEYMOON® Rome in Red – Wine Red
The HONEYMOON® Series showcases Hans Hansen's single flowered that are brilliant in color, and have showy blooms. 'Rome in Red' bears 3-4”, single rich maroon to wine red flowers. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

HONEYMOON® Sandy Shores – Pale Apricot w/ Rosy Pink Back
The HONEYMOON® Series showcases Hans Hansen's single flowered that are brilliant in color, and have showy blooms. 'Sandy Shores' bears 2½-3”, single pale apricot flowers with a lovely rosy pink color on the backs. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

HONEYMOON® Spanish Flare – Light Yellow w/ Maroon Red
The HONEYMOON® Series showcases Hans Hansen's single flowered that are brilliant in color, and have showy blooms. 'Spanish Flare' bears 3", single light yellow flowers with maroon red flares concentrated around the nectaries. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

WEDDING PARTY® Confetti Cake – White w/ Burgundy Speckles
The WEDDING PARTY® series showcases Hans Hansen's double flowered, rich in color, and gorgeous blooms. 'Confetti Cake' has 2½-3" double white flowers with burgundy speckling concentrated toward the center of the petals. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

WEDDING PARTY® Dark and Handsome – Black to Black-Purple
The WEDDING PARTY® series showcases Hans Hansen's double flowered, rich in color, and gorgeous blooms. 'Dark and Handsome' bears 2½-3", near black to black-purple flowers. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

WEDDING PARTY® First Dance – Yellow w/ Maroon Picotee
The WEDDING PARTY® series showcases Hans Hansen's double flowered, rich in color, and gorgeous blooms. 'First Dance' bears 2-2½" double flowers that range from bright yellow to yellow with a maroon picotee edge and veining. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

WEDDING PARTY® Mother of the Bride – Apricot w/ Light Pink Picotee
The WEDDING PARTY® series showcases Hans Hansen's double flowered, rich in color, and gorgeous blooms. 'Mother of the Bride' has 3", double apricot flowers with a light pink picotee edge. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

WEDDING PARTY® Shotgun Wedding – White w/ Heavy Burgundy Spots
The WEDDING PARTY® series showcases Hans Hansen's double flowered, rich in color, and gorgeous blooms. 'Shotgun Wedding' has 3", double white flowers a very heavy concentration of burgundy spots. Compared to 'Confetti Cake', flecks are thicker, more pronounced and concentrated at the centers. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.

WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells – Clear White
The WEDDING PARTY® series showcases Hans Hansen's double flowered, rich in color, and gorgeous blooms. ‘Wedding Bells’ bears clear white, 2-2½” double flowers. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Bee friendly. Blooms in Early Spring to Mid- Spring.
HOSTA - Plantain Lily

Abiqua Drinking Gourd – Blue-green

Blueberry Muffin – Lavender
Blueberry Muffin is a beautiful blue hosta with lavender flowers. It is a strong medium-sized mounding grower with large, blue, rounded leaves that are wrinkled and puckered in unusual patterns. The foliage turns from blue to green late in the season. Attracts Hummingbirds. Blooms in Early Summer. 14" H x 36" W.

Maui Buttercups – Yellow w/ White flowers
Bright gold, rounded leaves are deeply cupped and corrugated. Good slug resistance. Attracts Hummingbirds. White flowers in Mid-summer. 10" H x 14" W.

Paradigm – Gold w/ Blue-green Margins
Beautiful gold leaves with streaked, blue-green margins; variegation pattern intensifies later in the spring. Pale Lavender Flowers. 20" H x 36" W.

Praying Hands – Green w/ Creamy White Edge
Unique crinkly, curly leaves are dark green with a creamy-white edge. Pale lavender flowers. 12-14" H x 13-15" W.

Bandera Deep Rose – Deep Rose
Bandera series is a Spanish lavender. It is a sturdy, bushy variety that grows low to the ground. Tons of flowers in the Spring & Summer. Attracts Butterflies & Honeybees. Mild lavender fragrance.

LaVela™ Compact White – White
Spanish lavender. Fragrant. White flower spikes on grey-green foliage.

Bella Pink – Pink
Bella series is a compact, shrubby tropical plant. Trumpet-shaped blooms that don't fade or turn to brown. Fast growing. Blooms Summer to Fall.

Bella Scarlet – Scarlet Red
Bella series is a compact, shrubby tropical plant. Trumpet-shaped blooms that don't fade or turn to brown. Fast growing. Blooms Summer to Fall.
Bella White Peach –
Bella series is a compact, shrubby tropical plant. Trumpet-shaped blooms that don't fade or turn to brown. Fast growing. Blooms Summer to Fall.

Chocolate Mint – Pink-to-Lavender
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Bronzy, peppermint-like foliage with a surprising chocolatey favor & scent. Wonderful in desserts and tea. Deer Resistant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer. Pink-to-Lavender flowers.

Peppermint – Pink-to-Lavender
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Deep green foliage with fresh Peppermint flavor. Excellent in tea. Deer Resistant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer. Pink-to-Lavender flowers.

Strawberry – Pink
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Green foliage with a nice strawberry scented mint. Deer Resistant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer. Pink flowers.

Wire Vine – Yellowish-White
Wire Vine is a broadleaf, evergreen, low growing shrub, and wiry. It has glossy leaves that are small & dark green on wiry, bronze-copper colored stems. Excellent for rock gardens, ground cover, hanging basket, and as a potted plant. Blooms are yellowish-white and the fruit is shiny & black. Quick growing. Drought tolerant.

Angelart Banana – Yellow
Clusters of fragrant snapdragon-like flowers. Ideal in containers and landscapes. Blooms Spring to Autumn.

Sunshine Beauty – Orange edges w/ Yellow center
PANICUM - Switch Grass

Blue Fountain – Blue-green w/ Tan
Panicum 'Blue Fountain' has wide & strappy, bluish-green colored blades with tan seedheads. Deer resistant. Blooms in Late Summer to Fall.

Gunsmoke – Steel Blue w/ Tan
Panicum 'Gunsmoke' has wide, steel blue colored blades with tan seedheads. Deer resistant. Blooms in Late Summer to Fall.

Half Pint – Green w/ Dark Rosy Red
Panicum 'Half Pint' is a compact, dense, upright habit. Dark rosy red seedheads cover the top of the plant in Fall. Excellent weather tolerance. Deer resistant. Blooms in Late Summer to Fall.
PENSTEMON - Beard Tongue

Blackbeard – Lilac Purple

De Arbol – 75 days
A small and potent Mexican chile pepper at 15,000-65,000 Scovilles. Matures from green to bright red & retains its color when dried. Use it fresh, cooked or powdered. Often used as decoration in wreaths or hanging swags. Fruit is 2-3 inches long.

Senetti® Magic Salmon – Salmon Pink to Powder Blue
Senetti varieties offer superior cool weather garden performance, durability and vigor. A hue of vivid blooms with an unique reblooming ability, so they can be cut back for a fresh flush of flowers. Compact upright plant. Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Low Maintenance. Blooms Early Spring & Spring.

Senetti® Neon Nites – Deep Blue & Magenta
Senetti varieties offer superior cool weather garden performance, durability and vigor. A hue of vivid blooms with an unique reblooming ability, so they can be cut back for a fresh flush of flowers. Compact upright plant. Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Low Maintenance. Blooms Early Spring & Spring.

Senetti® Ruby Red – Ruby Red
Senetti varieties offer superior cool weather garden performance, durability and vigor. A hue of vivid blooms with an unique reblooming ability, so they can be cut back for a fresh flush of flowers. Compact upright plant. Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Low Maintenance. Blooms Early Spring & Spring.

Senetti® White w/ Red Heart – White w/ Red eye
Senetti varieties offer superior cool weather garden performance, durability and vigor. A hue of vivid blooms with an unique reblooming ability, so they can be cut back for a fresh flush of flowers. Compact upright plant. Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Low Maintenance. Blooms Early Spring & Spring.
PETUNIA - Headliner™

Headliner™ Raspberry Swirl – Fuchsia-Magenta w/ White
Semi-Trailing. Bright fluorescent colors, medium vigor and a mounding habit. Fragrant. No Deadheading. Attracts Butterflies & Hummingbirds. Drought, Frost, & Heat Tolerant. Blooms Spring to Fall.
PHLOX - Tall Phlox

Bright Eyes – Pale Pink w/ Crimson Eye
Fragrant blooms are pale pink with crimson eye. Low Maintenance. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Drought, Frost, Heat, & Shade Tolerant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer.

Nicky – Deep Magenta-purple
Intense, deep magenta-purple flower heads. Attracts Hummingbirds. Drought & Heat Tolerant. Blooms Summer to Fall.

Red Riding Hood – Cherry Red
Clusters of cherry-red flowers make a tremendous color statement in the garden. Attracts Hummingbirds. Blooms in Summer.

Mega Pazzaz Fuchsia – Pinkish-purple
Big, bright flowers on moderate-controlled, semi-trailing habit. Heat/drought tolerant. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Mega Pazzaz Gold – Bright Yellow
Big, bright flowers on moderate-controlled, semi-trailing habit. Heat/drought tolerant. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Mega Pazzaz Pink Twist – Pink w/ Yellow
Big, bright flowers on moderate-controlled, semi-trailing habit. Heat/drought tolerant. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Mega Pazzaz Red – Red
Big, bright flowers on moderate-controlled, semi-trailing habit. Heat/drought tolerant. Blooms Late Spring through Summer.

Magic Mix – Mixed
Compact, well-branched plants finish uniformly between colors. 2-3" blooms. Blooms May-June.

Sprinkles Orange – Orange

Sprinkles Pink Bicolor – Pink & White
Compact series features abundant rose-like blooms in bright colors on fine-leaf foliage. Flourishes in cool indoor conditions or outdoors in early spring. Blooms May-June.

Sprinkles Red – Red
Compact series features abundant rose-like blooms in bright colors on fine-leaf foliage. Flourishes in cool indoor conditions or outdoors in early spring. Blooms May-June.

Sprinkles White – White
Compact series features abundant rose-like blooms in bright colors on fine-leaf foliage. Flourishes in cool indoor conditions or outdoors in early spring. Blooms May-June.

Sprinkles Yellow – Yellow
Compact series features abundant rose-like blooms in bright colors on fine-leaf foliage. Flourishes in cool indoor conditions or outdoors in early spring. Blooms May-June.

Sprinkles Yellow Red Bicolor – Yellow w/ Red edges
Compact series features abundant rose-like blooms in bright colors on fine-leaf foliage. Flourishes in cool indoor conditions or outdoors in early spring. Blooms May-June.
SAXIFRAGA - Rockfoil

Marto™ Red – Red w/ Yellow Eye
Marto™ series has a long bloom window with mass blooms from March to June. Blooms are red with yellow eyes. Cold & Frost Tolerant.

Marto™ Red Picotee – Pinkish-red & White w/ Yellow Eye
Marto™ series has a long bloom window with mass blooms from March to June. Blooms are pinkish-red & white flowers with a yellow eye. Cold & Frost Tolerant.

Marto™ Rose – Pinkish-rose w/ Yellow Eye
Marto™ series has a long bloom window with mass blooms from March to June. Blooms are Pinkish-rose with yellow eyes. Cold & Frost Tolerant.

Marto™ White – White w/ Yellow Eye
Marto™ series has a long bloom window with mass blooms from March to June. Blooms are white with yellow eyes. Cold & Frost Tolerant.

Albion – Everbearing
Produces large, firm berries that are very sweet. High yielding. Bright red in color & the fruit is conical & symmetrical. Good disease resistance.

Black Stockings – Lavender-Pink
Black Stockings have long, almost black stems that complement perfectly with the bright green ferny foliage, and the flat-topped clusters of fluffy lavender-pink flowers. Attracts Bees & Butterflies. Deer & Rabbit Tolerant. Blooms Spring & Early Summer.
TIARELLA - Foam Flower

Pink Skyrocket – Pink
Pink Skyrocket has distinctive Maple-like leaves with dark veining. Blooms are a sparkling pink & rocket-shaped. Deer & Rabbit Resistant. Shade Tolerant. Blooms Mid-Spring to Late-Spring.

Strong Love – Red
Triumph 'Strong Love' is a long lasting pure red tulip. Flowers for weeks. Blooms in Spring.

Celestial Twilight – Yellow, Mauve, & Orange
Attracts Bees, Winter Interest (regional), Fragrant Flowers, Heat Tolerant, Shade Tolerant, Low Maintenance, Frost Tolerant Ever-blooming, early-Spring perennial in bright, rich colors. Oversummers and overwinters; heat-tolerant, highly scented varieties bloom all Summer.

Northern Lights – Violet w/ Yellow
Fragrant Flowers are ever-blooming from early-Spring to Winter. Oversummers and overwinters. Attracts Bees. Frost, Heat, & Shade Tolerant. Low Maintenance.