Polka Dot – Mixed
Organic. Edible flowers make a lovely decoration on plates and platters. Mild in flavor and slightly grassy in taste. Re-seeding Annual. Drought Tolerant. Blooms Late Spring to Fall.

Genovese – White. Organic

Sweet Italian Basil – White. Organic
Organic. Fragrant herb is popular both fresh and dried. Large leaves. Best choice for pesto and cooking.

Blue Lake Bush – 58 days. Organic
Bush Bean. Heavy yields of large, crisp, tender, dark green pods. Excellent fresh, frozen or canned. 58 days. Good resistance to common bean diseases.

Purple French Filet – 60 days. Organic
Organic. First purple filet bean. Bush bean with a great crunch and holds well in the garden.
Dark purple, almost black, 4-5" long with straight, slender purple pods, that turn green when cooked.
Disease Resistant to Halo Blight and One or more races of Bean Mosaic Virus. 60 days.

Bull’s Blood – 65 days. Organic
Organic. Heirloom variety. Commonly used for attractive, tasty beet greens. Harvest dark red-purple foliage in 35 days for baby leaf tops; 60 days to maturity.

Golden – 65 days. Organic
Organic. Vibrant orange roots with sweet, mellow, yellow flesh. Crisp green tops with pale golden petioles.

Arcadia – 63 days. Organic
Organic. Large, domed heads; small to medium bead size and medium stem. Good tolerance to hollow core and downy mildew. Widely adapted; holds well. 95 days to maturity; medium green color.

Italian Heirloom – 48 days. Organic
Organic. Open pollinated. Traditional 3-4" main head followed by a large yield of side shoots.

Brussels Sprouts – 76 days. Organic
'Dagan' variety is early & reliable. It has tall stalks that resist lodging but doesn't require topping. Bright medium green in color. Hybrid.

All Seasons Blend – 65-115 days. Organic
Organic. Blend of different high-yielding hybrids that produce heads over a long season.

January King – 160-210 days. Organic
Organic. Very winter hardy. Green, slightly flattened heads have red and burgundy markings. Tasty. Ornamental.

Red Primero – 70 days. Organic
Organic. Slightly Sweet & Peppery. Smooth, compact, round, 2½-3 pound heads hold well in the field.

Atlas – 70-95 days. Organic
Organic. Uniform, 1.5 x 1", round baby carrots. Intense orange exterior. Tender, yellow orange interior. Sun.

Adona – 68 days. Organic
Organic. Beautiful Snowy white cauliflower with a delicious, sweet flavor and tight curds. Tolerant of bacterial soft rot & downy mildew, and resistant to tipburn. The 5 inch heads and performs well in all seasons. 68 days to Maturity.

Grafitti Purple – 78-80 days. Organic
Organic. Purple-hued curds on this variety bring a unique look to salads and satisfy nutrition seekers with added antioxidants that gives the purple-hued color.

Overwintering – 210-270 days. Organic
Organic. A blend of overwintering cauliflowers that produce large, white, beautiful heads in the spring.

Santo – Small White flowers – Organic
Organic. 'Santo' is one of the most popular fresh herbs, this cilantro is fast growing and slow to bolt, so you can harvest later into the season. Its unmistakable sharp scent and taste have made it the staple herb in salsa and other Mexican dishes.

Burpless – 70 days. Organic
Organic. Sweet, dark green fruit, many seedless. Variety is great pickled and sliced. 70 days. Resists corynespora blight, cucumber mosaic virus, cucumber vein yellowing and powdery mildew.

Lemon – 65 days. Organic
Small, round, yellow fruit that is bitter free. Nice size for eating fresh.

Orient Express – 64 days. Organic
High yields. Long and slender fruits with a smoother skin. Best to trellis, as fruits tend to curl if plants are left to grow on the ground. 9-14" fruit. High Resistance to Powdery Mildew and Intermediate Resistance to Downy Mildew.

Pickling – 61 days. Organic
Organic. Short & thick fruits with striped, medium green skin, & a slightly tapered shape to fit in a pickle jar. Great for pickling & in salads. 5" fruit. High Resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus & Scab.

Dill – Yellow flowers – Organic
Organic. 'Bouquet' variety has an attractive, delicate fernlike foliage and is a multipurpose plant you can grow for seeds or foliage. It has a strong flavor used often with fish, lamb, potatoes and even peas. It’s fast-growing and easy to maintain. Provides abundant amounts of dark green, sweet flavored dill weed. Slow to bolt. Vigorous.
FENNEL - Finocchio

Finocchio – 80-95 days. Organic
Creamy white, flat to round bulbs with a delicate taste. Good bolt tolerance.

Arugula ‘Astro’ – 40 days. Organic
Organic. 'Astro' is a reliable, early variety, wide leaves, slower-to-bolt, and is more heat-tolerant than others. The medium-green leaves have a cut-leaf shape and a nutty flavor, which gets stronger in warmer weather. It can be utilized year-round for clipping and bunching.

Kale ‘Lacinato’ – 65 days. Organic

Kale ‘Red Russian’ – 50 days. Organic
Organic. Dark green oak-leaf cut kale. Red/purple hues intensify after frost. Tender, sweet taste when cooked; also good raw. Very Disease Resistant. Baby stage: harvest at 25 days.

Spinach – 45 days. Organic
Organic. Dark green leaves. Very productive.

Swiss Chard ‘Bright Lights’ – 60 days. Organic
Unique yellow, gold, orange, pink, violet, green and striped stems, plus standard red and white. Mild flavor. Tender, bronze or dark green leaves. Good ornamental. Shade Tolerant.

Buttercrunch – 48 days. Organic
Organic. With a luscious, buttery texture, Buttercrunch has 4-to 5-in. (10- to12-cm) heads that are dark green outside with a creamy yellow color inside. Best picked minutes before your meal.

Gourmet Mix – 50-75 days. Organic
Organic. Colorful blend of several red and green leaf lettuces.

New Red Fire – 58 days. Organic
Organic. Colorful, frilly, reddish bronze leaves with deep red margins. Slow grower. Bolt tolerant.

Red Butterhead – 63 days. Organic
Organic. Glossy, dark red leaves with a substantial texture. Eye catching. Bolt resistant.

Romaine – 76 days. Organic
Organic. Romaine has long, green crisp leaves and forms tall, loose oblong heads. Great for salads & wraps.

Winter Blend – 50-75 days. Organic
Organic. A blend of cold hardy lettuces for fall and winter harvesting.
MELON - Cantaloupe

Ambrosia – 84 days. Organic
Organic. Unique, 6" melons with a rich sweet flavor. Creamy tan outside with a heavy net. Gorgeous peach flesh.
MELON - Watermelon

Crimson Sweet – 80 days. Organic
Organic. Crimson Sweet produces round melons averaging 25 lbs. (11 kg), with light green and dark green stripes. Fruit is sweet, firm, & has bright red flesh & black seeds.

Jewel Mix – Organic
Organic. Edible flowers can be used to garnish or as a salad ingredient. Mild, peppery flavor similar to watercress.

Overwintering Red – 105 days. Organic
Organic. Nice sized, red, globe-shaped overwintering onion. Tolerant to bolting, Fusarium and Pink Root.

Overwintering Yellow – 105 days. Organic
Organic. Early maturing, jumbo, globe-shaped, golden yellow overwintering onion. Tolerant to mildew and bolting.

Storage – 95-100 days. Organic
Organic. Extra firm, long storage type, globe-shaped onion. Resistant to basal and neck rot.

Walla Walla – 125 days. Organic
Brown skinned, mild, sweet onions have a sweet mild flavor. Use both fresh and in cooking.

Italian Green Parsley – Small White. Organic
Organic. Vigorous plant with flavorful flat dark green leaves. A favorite for cooking.

Oregon Sugar Pod II – 105 days. Organic

Super Sugar Snap – 66 days. Organic
Organic. Super Sugar have sweet, crisp pods and germinates well in cold, wet soil. Vigorous plants with vines averging up to 72" with 1 or 2 pods per node. Needs trellising.

Arapaho – 65 days. Organic
Attractive, wrinkled fruits average 8-9". Excellent flavor-fruits are both sweet and moderately hot. Excellent for frying and in salsas. High yield.

Cherry Bomb – 87 days. Organic
Dark green-to-cherry red peppers. Round, 2-2.5" fruits have a rich, sweet taste and moderate heat.

Jalapeno – 75 days. Organic
Produces early, thick-walled peppers with a large harvest. Turns from Green to Red.
PEPPER - Sweet

Candy Cane – 60 days. Organic
Organic. Unique & eye-catching variegated leaves with fruit that ripens from green striped to solid red. Sweet flavor & crispy texture. Perfect for eating fresh. 3-4" fruits.

Golden Sweet Italian Roasting – 70 days. Organic
Long, wrinkled, golden orange fruit with thick walls and very sweet flavor.

Pimento – 75 days. Organic
Heart-shaped, sweet, thick-walled peppers have a delicious flavor when roasted. Good yields.

Pinot Noir – 68 days. Organic
Organic. 'Pinot Noir' is light green when young, then changes through shades of citrus, berry and cherry red. Firm & thick walled peppers that are crispy & crunchy. Performs well in hot & cold conditions. Heavy yields.

Culinary Sage – Green-gray. Organic
Organic. Hardy perennial herb with gray green aromatic foliage and lilac blue blooms. Good for flavoring meats and poultry.
SQUASH - Summer

Green Tiger – 45 days. Organic
Organic. Unique bush plant with glossy dark & light green stripes with a very slight ribbing.

Yellow Crookneck – 65 days. Organic
Organic. Smooth, bright yellow curved-neck fruits mature to orange-yellow. Meaty, flavorful interior.

Zucchini – 60 days. Organic
Organic. Loads of slender, straight, glossy green zucchinis mature extra-early.
SQUASH - Winter

Acorn – 70 days. Organic
Organic. Dark green 5-6" oval fruit with deep ribs. Excellent keeping winter squash.

Butternut – 100 days. Organic
Long cylindrical 9" winter squash is light tan with a nutty flavored orange flesh.
THYME - Thymus

Culinary Thyme – Gray-green. Organic
Organic. French culinary thyme. Purple to white flowers with narrow, fragrant green leaves. Deer Resistant. Scented foliage.

Toma Verde – 65 days. Organic
TOMATO - Paste

Roma – 62 days. Organic
Organic. Heavy yield of good flavored 3-4 ounce paste tomatoes. Uniform determinate plant.

San Marzano – 70-80 days. Organic
Organic. Early, large, Roma-type tomatoes. Sweet, classic, Italian paste heirloom.

Speckled Roman – 85 days. Organic
Organic. Heirloom. Elongated Roma type. Deep red with orange striping. Meaty.
TOMATO - Slicing

Big Beef – 80 days. Organic
Organic. 'Big Beef' is one of the finest all-around tomato, as it produces extra large, “beefy” fruit and large, vigorous and disease-resistant plants.

Cherokee Purple – 85 days. Organic
Dusky pink skinned furit with flavorful purplish flesh. Heirloom variety.

Early Girl – 60 days. Organic
Organic. Early Girl produces bright red, meaty tomatoes with incredible flavor and aroma earlier than other varieties. Its globe-shaped fruit is perfect for slicing on sandwiches and for salads.

Genuwine – 70 days. Organic
Organic. Heirloom Marriage hybrids cross two heirlooms to produce earlier and more fruit, with great flavor and fewer blemishes than the parents. Bright red slicer is a cross of Costoluto Genovese x Brandywine. Well-balanced, old-time look and flavor. Indeterminate.

Green Zebra – 68 days. Organic
Organic. Chartreuse with deep lime green stripes. Bright green flesh. Sweet.

Longkeeper – 78 days. Organic
Organic. 3" orange red fruits keep 3 months. Harvest partially ripe fruit before the first frost.

Mortgage Lifter – 80 days. Organic
Organic. Rich, meaty beefsteak tomato with few seeds. Taste test winner.

Oregon Spring – 60-70 days. Organic
Organic. Very large early slicing tomato. Tolerates cool spring weather. Determinate. Developed by Oregon State University and released in 1984!

Pineapple – 85-95 days. Organic
Organic. Heirloom. Bright yellow with red stripes. Large, beefsteak-type. Meaty, mild flavored with few seeds. High yielding.
TOMATO - Small Fruited

Chocolate Sprinkles – 50 days. Organic
Organic. Elongated cherry tomato . Unique dark red with green stripe exterior and purple flesh color. Great-tasting, crack-resistant tomatoes have an attractive striped pattern. Ideal for salads or eaten straight off the plant. Indeterminate.

Indigo Cherry Drops – 65 days. Organic
Organic. Deep, rosy-red single bite cherry tomatoes with a black-purple cast that is bursting with sweet flavor.

Sungold – 65 days. Organic
Organic. Orange, round 1 1/4 inch fruit on long grape like clusters. Fruity tropical flavor.

Sweet Million – 65-75 days. Organic
Organic. Flavorful "two-bite" size tomatoes on beautiful grape like clusters. Disease resistant. Indeterminate.